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Clara E.


When evaluating whether a mentor would be a good match for your student keep in mind that the greatest leading indicator of success is how well a mentor and their mentee get along.

Questions to ask yourself:

  • Would the student find this person inspiring?
  • Do they share any interests, hobbies, or lived experiences?


- Present • Stanford UniversityStanford, California
I’ve been a Curious Cardinals mentor since May 2023I am passionate about mentoring students in the areas of Physics, Entrepreneurship, Machine Learning & AI, Game Design, Cooking, Sustainability, Computer Science & Coding, Web Development, Graphic Design, Physics, Photography, Investing, and Launch a Website.


Clara is a rising junior at Stanford University majoring in Computer Science and Product Design. She’s passionate about Human Computer Interaction, Artificial Intelligence, and App Development. Clara loves teaching and has spent much of her time mentoring students in Computer Science. When Clara is not computing, designing, or mentoring young students, she is rowing for Stanford’s lightweight rowing team, rock climbing, skiing, and cooking. Clara can’t wait to explore the interests and passions of her Curious Cardinals students!